Hey Bros!

Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die!  Today’s contestant is Matt Mira of Nerdist.  Let’s see what he’s tweeting.


August 26th:  “Do you agree with our writers room list of what is an android/machine/robot?

Seems like the T-1000 can only mimic human flesh and isn’t really alive and therefore not a cyborg.

August 26th:  “Wife just gave me an amazing belated birthday present. We almost bid against each other!

Seems like there’d barely be enough to parody all the deeds.

August 28th:  show number 67.

Man, your podcast has gotten elaborate.

August 29th:  “True Detective Season 3

MTV used to show these things called “music videos”.  Ah, you kids wouldn’t understand.

August 29th:  “Most looking forward to biscuit week on next weeks

Can’t watch food shows.  I just keep getting up for snacks while it’s on.

August 29th:  “Probably just everyone reacting to that picture of Nev and his Fiancé and her baby. http://time.com/4470258/lax-shooting-gunman-reports-unconfirmed-evacuation/

Has everyone been sufficiently cowed by 9/11 yet?  Grow a backbone people.  You’re all gonna die.  Not me.  But you, definitely.

September 1st:  “Would be asleep but I’ve been scouring the Internet for a copy of the 1991 made for TV movie, Knight Rider 2000. No luck so far…”

That totally sounds like a valuable use of time.

September 1st:  “Deportation Task Force is DTF

This is why the Washington Task Force never materialized.

24 hours ago:  “I’ll do it for $25 million

As long as you promise to spend the first 10 minutes of the movie disavowing everything after the last Casino Royale.

Okay, let’s rate Matt Mira’s Tweets.  Pretty funny.  Surprisingly few plugs.  I give him an 8 for Mustness, an 8 for Style and an 8 for Insanity.  That’s an overall score of 8, follow Matt.

And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email me here.