Hey Bros!

Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die!  Today’s contestant is comedian Kirk Fox.  Let’s see what he’s tweeting.


January 20th:  “My dog watching the

He’ll never be the same.

January 21st:  “Jokes. No one got hurt. is where I work.”

Nice.  How’s the benefits there?

January 22nd:  “I should pay attention to the news. I thought this was a half price sale on Louboutins.”

I hear it’s overrated.  And fake.

January 22nd:  “”Take me to my poop quarter, jester” “Yes, my lady.””

Yeah, my dogs are diva dogs like that.

January 22nd:  “It doesn’t matter who wears the pants in a relationship. What matters is who washes them.”

And who poops in them.

January 23rd:  “I’m seasonal.”

The Christmas comic?

6 hours ago:  “I hope our president doesn’t sue us.”

I can’t imagine a scenario where that doesn’t happen.

Pinned Tweet:  “If God is your copilot you must be a great pilot. I mean, God could probably fly with anyone he wants and he chose you. That is impressive.”

Yeah, but eventually he gets resentful and kills you to be pilot.

Okay, let’s rate Kirk’s tweets.  Solid stuff.  Working the tweets.  I like it.  I give him a 9 for Insanity, an 8 for Mustness and a 10 for Style.  That’s an overall score of 9.  Follow Kirk.

And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email me here.