Remember the 80’s? Well, now you don’t have to. Stranger Things, on Netflix, is eight episodes of every 80’s movie you can possibly imagine. It’s 1983 and there is a secret government experiment going on near a small, little mid-western town.

When one of four friends (Dungeons & Dragons players) mysteriously disappears and a strange girl with powers appears, a big mystery starts to unravel. The show features such 80’s icons as Winona Ryder and Matthew Modine. Ryder, in particular, shines at the determined mom. But the true stand outs are the kids.

I’ve already contacted attorneys for the Duffer Brothers stealing my early teens. It’s just that good. The look, the music, the feel, the monsters— It’s the show everyone’s talking about it. Don’t miss the first season.

Stranger Things is on Netflix and I give it 10 keggers.
