Hey Bros!

Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die!  Today’s contestant is Wesley Snipes.  Actor, movie star.  Let’s see what he’s tweeting.


December 7th:  “GOOOOOOOD Monday!! How was everyone’s weekend?”

Meh.  Not bad.

December 7th:  “THANK YOU to everyone who watched CHI-RAQ in theaters, I read all your messages! Very much appreciated!! Go see it if you have not yet!”

Hmm, have to check that out.

December 7th:  “I’m inspired by those of you who wake up everyday, work hard and give no excuses to give up.”

Hey, what about the rest of us that likes to sleep in.  My excuses are good.

December 7th:  “Congrats to heard her charity event “TBOZ unplugged” was the place to be last night!!”

A famous guy has to have famous friends.

December 7th:  “bit.ly/1XWTmWh How to Play Extreme Jenga!! Lol these guys look like the life of the party!”

Wow, that looks tough.

December 7th:  “Many people did not wake up this morning, you did. Cheer the hell up! lol Peace & love  ”

Good call.  Besides, it’s the holidays.

December 7th:  Funny!

Wait a minute.  Cats don’t have bosses!

Okay, let’s rate Wesley’s tweets.  He’s a busy guy, so I’m surprised he tweets this much in a day (and more).  I give him a 7 for Insanity, a 9 for Style and a 9 for Mustness.  That’s an overall score of 8.3, but I’m rounding it up to 9 because I love Wesley in Demolition Man.  Follow Wesley.

And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email me here.