with Tony DiGerolamo

Change in the weather may have gotten me sick, bros.  So when I’m not feeling week, I know there’s always a little bit of awesomeness to cheer me up.  Let’s look at some of the people that make things full of that adjective.

– First up, a school bus driver in North Carolina that evacuated her students before the bus went up in flames like one of Otto‘s blunts.  Nice job!  The only thing my bus driver ever did is yell at me.

– A shout out to rescuers in Kosovo for rescuing a five year-old girl, after her house was crushed by 33 feet of snow.  Jesus Christ, that’s a lot of snow!  It’s all part of the massive arctic chill Europe and Asia has been hit with over the past few weeks.  Nice save all!

– And in the “Awww!” Department, rescuers saved a four-week old puppy from a drainage pipe in a Michigan basement.  Now who isn’t happy to hear they saved a puppy?  Click on that link to see the cutest pic ever.

– Meanwhile, a couple of Canucks got saved when their sailboat went down near Hawaii.  Imagine spending two and half hours in the dark in the middle of the ocean?  Apparently, not everyone dies on World’s Deadliest Catch.  Nice job container ship crew that did the saving!

— And finally, add to the list a New York MTA worker that saved a woman, who had been sexually assaulted on the subway tracks.  Give that man the key to the city, New York!  He’s full of awesome.

Think someone is full of awesome? Email suggestions here or post in the comments section below.