Brother Hollywood has dropped 30 pounds and he and Ahmet are rockin the exercise. I heard about the infamous hike they took Brother Homewrecker on and I was trying to duck it. But today they finally talked me into it. At first we were walking down hill. Great views in the hills. Cool houses. You could even see the ocean. Finally, we turned around. Suddenly, I was walking up hill and it was not fun. Total time, 90 minutes. That’s about 89 minutes more than I ususally hike. Again, we talked scripts and meetings. Sounds like we got it goin’ on.

Back to Ahmet’s awesome pad which he calls “McFearless Manor” just like his book. He has a great view, but I wouldn’t want to be on his balcony in an Earthquake. We grabbed a shower and headed to Santa Monica. Ahmet and Brother Hollywood had a meeting. Myself and Homewreck cruised Santa Monica and the local comic book store, Hi Dee Ho. Not bad. Mostly graphic novels. On the street, Hollywood ran into Josh who writes Vertigo’s Unknown Soldier. Our other celebrity spottings included the girl from Scrubs on the hike and on the way to dinner, the singer Fiest from the ipod commercial. You know, “One, two, three, four, tell me that you love me more…”

Finally, I’m back at James and Karen’s pad. Still can’t get my laptop to work, but Karen has kindly loaned me her Mac lap. Macs are pretty sweet I must admit. I might have to make the switch.