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1.  Holiday decorations that go up after Thanksgiving.

2.  People buying one really good gift instead of a lot of bullshit.

3.  People not giving a shit whether you say “Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas”.

4.  Christmas light displays that are about quality, not quantity and an incredible waste of electricity.

5.  Christmas TV specials that run once, only within a few days of Christmas, and then are over.

6.  A little snow.  Just a little.

7.  People not completely checked out the entire month of December into mid-January.

8.  Buying shit not being the complete focus of the local news for four weeks.

9.  No one out buying shit on Christmas Eve because it’s too fucking late to shop now!

10.  No one having to work at the fucking mini-mart or CVS or wherever on Christmas.