Our pledgemaster may not be able to get to class on time, earn a passing grade or graduate, but he can judge!  Stand fast, bros!  Your pledgemaster speaks!

Hurricanes:  Not Fratty

Anything that interrupts the flow of porn to my computer cannot be fratty.  Not to mention raining on Halloween?!  Fuck you, hurricane!

Adult Swim:  Fratty

Is it just my imagination?  Or is every major celebrity finding his or her way to shows on Adult Swim like Children’s Hospital?  It’s pretty awesome.  Although I still prefer the cartoons.

Hermit Crabs:  Kinda Fratty

I just found this out today.

Madonna:  No Longer Fratty

Doing this is one reason.  How much material does the Material Girl need before retiring.

Presidential Elections:  Not Fratty

Jesus Christ, can this not be over sooner?!

Non-Slutty Female Halloween Costumes:  Not Fratty At All

Listen.  I can get candy all I want now.  But how often can I see slutty girls dressed as slutty as they act in our frat house?  Dammit!  It’s a holiday!  Leave it alone feminism!

Assassin’s Creed 3:  So Fratty

This looks so badass.

Facebook:  No Longer Fratty

It gets closer and closer to MySpace every day.

The Walking Dead Facebook Game:  Fratty

This game pretty much kicks ass.  Nothing like shooting your friends as zombies.  That’s probably what I’m doing right now.