Hey bros:

Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die.   Today’s contestant, everyone’s favorite expert and PC dramatizer:  John Hodgman.

October 24th, 12:29pm:  “Tom Perrotta and I are now officially leaders of our own megachurch. #bbf09

Ah, going the L. Ron Hubbard way.  Smart.

October 24th, 12:29pm:  “By the way, iPhone wants to spell megachurch as .Megachiroptera

Hmm, is there chiropractic rituals involved?  If you confess, you get your neck cracked.

October 24th, 12:30pm:  “The Megachiroptera of Perrotta and Hodgman. http://twitpic.com/mqvsr

(angelic chorus)  Ahhhhh, oooooh, ahhhh, oooh, aaaaaaaaaaaaah!

October 24th, 2:31pm:  “Frances drew a new sign for the next reading. How fleeting fame. #bbf09 http://twitpic.com/mrg8h

Sez, the PC man.

October 25th, 5:25pm:  “Venture Brothers, “Handsome Ransom.” Tonight at 12:00 am on Adult Swim. Believe. ? http://blip.fm/~fe3v2 (via @JamesUrbaniak)

You are a geek after my own heart, bro.  It was a pretty awesome episode.

October 26th, 2:24pm: “Here is @peteholmez doing it right as BATMAN. http://bit.ly/lAr1v. Here is @batman doing it wrong.

Dude!  That’s so weird, I was just watching that!

October 26th, 2:30pm:  “safe journeys, @justkyle. Thx for capturing my lenses in mid transition. RT “last day in NYC and I run into @hodgman.” http://bit.ly/1bD2VW

Hodgman in action on the street.

October 26th, 2:50pm: “Yeesh. @PFTompkins is really in LOVE with Canada today.

Yeah, why doesn’t he just marry Canada and get it over with?

October 26th, 2:59pm:  “Hey @PFTompkins, why don’t you and Toronto JUST GET MARRIED. I believe that is legal IN CANADA.

Dammit!  I really should read the entire tweet before I respond.  Get out of my brain, Hodgman!

14 hours ago: “IMITATION BLOG ALERT UPDATE: “The girls get on me for picking my nose, but I gotta breathe!” The great Josh Lieb: http://bit.ly/liebey

Breathe, damn you.  Breathe!  And post a link that works too.  Why can’t you load thumbnails into tweets?  That would be cool.

6 hours ago: “AT LAST: a page-a-day calendar with ZERO PAGES http://bit.ly/34kA9b

Nice site, John.  Oh, I see the link you wanted.  It’s the video if you scroll down.

6 hours ago: “I guess I just blew my own website. You can also get the today-in-the-past-cast here: http://bit.ly/todayinthepas…

You gave your website oral sex?  I didn’t even know you could do that!

4 hours ago: “Re: TODAY-IN-THE-PAST-CAST, most entries=very short. A few=very long. But all of them=THE GREGORIAN CALENDAR. it’s time.

Um…good?  I guess.  Not sure what you’re talking about, but you seem excited about your website.  So much work a site.

3 hours ago: “NVDANS AND NUTMEGGERS: If you support public option, both Reid (202-224-3542) and Lieberman (202-224-4041) deserve a call tomorrow.

Yeah, I’m still on the fence.  I need the coverage, but I’m worried Congress is going to screw it up.  Like with that fine if you don’t buy in.  Of course, when the economy implodes, it won’t matter.

3 hours ago:  “as @billscher always tells me, calls actually are counted, and count plenty. Probably more than any online petition. http://retwt.me/1zLwT

I guess I feel bad about lobbying for healthcare when there’s so much lobbying against the wars to do.  Really, people should call for that, don’t you think?

3 hours ago: “Per my comment here http://bit.ly/3EXWb, I need a Lucha Libre mask FAST. HIVE MIND: recommended sources in NYC?

Dammit, I need a Lucha Libre mask and I was going to ask you.  Shit!

Okay, let’s rate John’s tweets.  He’s pretty thoughtful, there’s some promotion here, especially for his website.  Can’t fault a guy for that.  I give him a 4 for Insanity.  For Style, he definitely has his own, I give him a 6.  And for Mustness, well, he is a famous minor celebrity.  No telling what’s going on with him.  Plus the new book and all.  I give him an 8.  That’s an overall score of 6.  Not bad.  Probably unfair considering his book tour is on, but John’s funny.  So I’ll be following.  Screw it.  Let’s give him a 7.  There, just because he’s on the Daily Show.

And if you have a suggestion for Twitter in Focus, email us here.