Hey Bros!

Welcome to Twitter in Focus where media comes to die.   Today’s contestant is the Queen of the Geeks, you know her, you love her, you wished you played Dungeons and Dragons with her, ladies and gentlebros, Felicia Day.  Let’s dive right in and see if her tweets are as geeky as her.

February 2nd, 10:24pm: “Urban Fantasy Book Cover Parade: http://youtu.be/AxSwr130ptw This is why I read most of these books on my Kindle, LOL!

I think its a combination of what artists see in their day-to-day lives and what editors think people want to see on a cover.

February 2nd, 11:16pm: “Great post on being an actor during pilot season: http://bit.ly/dizytv So true. Been through all this many many times.

Brutal.  You know what TV needs?  Instead of an old boy network, we need a geek network.  Y’know, one geek helping another.  Of course, many geeks get drunk with power as evidenced by the majority of power-hungry Dungeon Masters, so maybe it’s better not to have it.

February 4th, 3:06pm: “Doing that no-no writing thing by going back and rewriting before I finish the whole thing. Bad Felicia!

Yes, very naughty.

February 4th, 9:01pm: “Trying to enjoy some nacho chips and my dumb cat stuck her face in the bowl and licked all of them! JEEEEEZ! I mean CHEEEEEZ! :(

February 4th, 9:44pm: “This website is an example of why I love the internet: http://selleckwaterfallsandwich.tumblr.com/”

That is awesome. So is this.

February 5th, 7:25pm: “Yes, that’s me with a lightsaber in ep 2 of Jace Hall Show. http://bit.ly/9f5hBq Who could say no to that?!”


February 5th, 7:33pm: “Thanks for the link, here are all my @JaceHall segments all together! http://bit.ly/bo78gz”

You’re on the cutting edge, Felicia. Who needs network TV? It’s all about the Internet.

February 6th, 12:48pm: “Still excited that @neilhimself introduced me to @stephenfry last night &I’m eating the donut I pilfered off the dessert tray. Life is good.”

Awwwwwwww, geek out! You are truly a fangirl, Felicia.

February 6th, 1:16pm: “Aaaaand weekend gone: 101 Free Games 2010: The Best Free Games on the Web from 1UP.com http://bit.ly/cKpElv”

Nice. But sorry, I’m still trapped in Liberty City since I got my Xbox Live account revived!

February 8th, 12:40am: “Going to Baltimore for Farpoint Con this week. Looking at snow there on TV, then my wardrobe: My cold resist clothing is greatly lacking :(”

Hope you got out. It’s snowing again and will snow on the weekend. I hate snow.

February 8th, 3:45pm: “In a restaurant waiting to sit down and I’m Surrounded by men wearing suits. I feel like I’m suffocating in a sea of tailored navy. Blech.”

It’s the MIB! Run! Run!

February 8th, 5:55pm: “Great, I have a stack of games to play, Mass Effect 2 not even OPENED, and now Bioshock 2 is coming out. Can I stop time for a month please?”

You’re a geek after my own heart, Felicia.

5 hours ago: “RT: @xenijardin Most cutest video EVAR. Actor teaches toddler to perform Shakespeare. http://bit.ly/aG2Muj”

A worthy retweet.

5 hours ago: “Based on how I create my gaming characters, if I were transported to a SF/Fantasy realm I would immediately cut my hair into a sensible bob.”

As long as it doesn’t block your chain mail bikini.

Felicia is definitely one to follow. Plus she’s got her Internet TV show, The Guild and her own website. Let’s rate Felicia’s tweets. For Insanity, I give her a 8 (you have to be a little nuts to be a gamer), for Style it has to be 10 (she’s got it goin’ on) and for Mustness, I give her a 9 (she is a geek goddess). That’s an overall score of 9. Very nice FD. I look forward to more episodes of the Guild.

And if you have someone you think would be right for Twitter in Focus, email us here.